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Che cos’è la memoria

All of our everyday activities relate to memory, to the use of prior experience to help manage life situations and predict the effects of our actions. We tend to think that memory provides a formally accurate account of reality, but quite often we make mistakes or simply forget what happened to us, thus causing embarrassment and, if we are no longer young, concern. How does our memory really work? How much truth can be found in what we remember? When to we do a “better” job of remembering and when do we do “worse”? Lastly, and most controversially, is memory really needed in order to remember? This book addresses these questions by describing several theories concerning the psychology of memory, major studies on the topic, and recent developments in the field of cognitive neuroscience.

Daniele Gatti is currently earning a doctorate at the University of Pavia and works in the field of psychology of memory.

Tomaso Vecchi heads the University of Pavia’s Department of Brain and Behavioural Science, as well as the Cognitive Neurostimulation Laboratory at Italy’s C. Mondino National Neurological Institute.