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Pierdante Piccioni is Doctor Amnesia, the head of an emergency room who went into a coma after a car crash in 2013. When he woke up, he realized there was a black hole in his memory that swallowed the past twelve years of his life, bringing him back to 2001. When Piccioni is summoned as a witness in a double murder investigation that happened before he lost his memory, he discovers that he is actually the lead suspect. There is a video of him arguing with the two victims, the young doctor and beautiful  woman he hired as his assistant, and a medical equipment vendor whom he had dealt with during a procurement bid. The video was taken just before they mysteriously disappeared. Too bad that not  Pierdante doesn’t remember even meeting them.

Pierdante Piccioni before the accident that erased twelve years of his life, was the head of the emergency room of the hospital in Lodi. He co-authored the bestelling  memoir Meno Dodici (2016), based on his incredible story of amnesia,  adapted into the successful TV series Doc. Nelle tue mani, rights of which are under negotiations worldwide.
Pierangelo Sapegno is a journalist, author, and columnist for the newspaper “La Stampa”.