15 October 2023

Contro lo smartphone. Per una tecnologia più democratica

by De Martin Juan Carlos
Contro lo smartphone. Per una tecnologia più democratica

We all use it. Around one and a half billion of them are sold every year. If there has been a revolution in recent years – involving technology, economics, habits and customs – its symbol is surely the most everyday object that exists, so much so that it goes unnoticed: the smartphone. Juan Carlos De Martin analyses its history, forms and consequences starting from a fact whose singular extraordinariness has so far not been grasped: for the first time in human history, we are faced with a necessary object, which cannot be done without. Affections, banking transactions, mobility, work, our history and the history of the world pass through that seductive screen and, above all, through those who manage its operating systems, those who control its apps, those who control its technological infrastructure. Against the Smartphone closes with a manifesto that calls us to the necessary attention so that we can imagine a world in which man is truly master of the machine, using it with confidence. Preface by Gustavo Zagrebelsky.

  • Publishing house ADD Editore
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 200
  • ISBN 9788867833917
  • Foreign Rights
  • Ebook disponibile
  • Price 18.00

De Martin Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos De Martin is full professor of computer engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin, where in 2006 he founded the Nexa Center on Internet and Society. Since 2011 he has been associated with Harvard University and a member of the Scientific Council of Treccani. He has worked for the University of California and Texas Instruments. Author of over 150 scientific publications and patents, in 2017 De Martin published the book Università futura – tra democrazia e bit (Codice).

Contro lo smartphone. Per una tecnologia più democratica

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