Crescere. Teoria e pratica della psicosintesi. Nuova edizione riveduta e ampliata
by Ferrucci Piero, Ferrucci Piero, Ferrucci Piero
Psychosynthesis can be considered a development of Psychoanalysis but, although it was born as a method for the treatment of Neuropsychic disorders, it has then extended its application to the most varied social fields. In this book Piero Ferrucci offers an accurate exposition of Psychosynthesis, with valuable practical information on the various techniques, as well as numerous exercises. A book for those interested in their personal growth and for Psychologists, Educators, Doctors and Social workers who want to make their work more effective. Almost forty years after its first publication, this new edition is enriched with an important update dedicated to new discoveries in Neuroscience.
- Publishing house Astrolabio Ubaldini
- Year of publication 2020
- Number of pages 286
- ISBN 9788834017869
- Foreign Rights Barbara Ciampichetti -
- Price 20.00 €
Ferrucci Piero, Ferrucci Piero, Ferrucci Piero
Born in Turin in 1946, Piero Ferrucci is a Psychotherapist and Philosopher. Graduated in Philosophy at the University of Turin in 1970, he studied with Roberto Assagioli, founder of Psychosynthesis. He regularly collaborates with the Institute of Psychosynthesis and with the Italian School of Therapeutic Psychosynthesis. He lives near Florence and is the author of numerous books.