28 June 2024

Diamanti rubini e smeraldi. Il linguaggio dei gioielli nei dipinti degli Uffizi

by Malaguzzi Silvia
Diamanti rubini e smeraldi. Il linguaggio dei gioielli nei dipinti degli Uffizi

From Artemisia Gentileschi to Goya, from Botticelli to Titian via Giotto and many others… An unprecedented survey of the language of jewellery in painting, conducted through a rich selection of works from the 15th to the 18thcentury, housed in the Uffizi Galleries and beyond. The gems depicted in the portraits recall the values of the protagonists through elegant symbolism, and the jewellery (always documented) shows an execution that can betraced back to precise places and environments, so much so that it closely connects with the identity of the wearer.

  • Publishing house Nomos Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 296
  • ISBN 9791259580740
  • Foreign Rights Benedetta Tosi,
  • Price 79.00

Malaguzzi Silvia

Silvia Laguzzi has been Professor of Renaissance Art and History of Food in Art and Literature at the Middlebury School in Italy since 2017. She has taught Renaissance Art in Florence (Fashion Institute of Technology , New York). Collaborator of the Uffizi Galleries since 2019. Author of several studies, including the essays “La meravigliosa fauna marina”, for the catalogue of the exhibition Animalia Fashion (Florence 2019), and “Raffaello e i gioielli”, for the catalogue of the exhibition Raffaello 1520-1483 (Rome 2020).

Diamanti rubini e smeraldi. Il linguaggio dei gioielli nei dipinti degli Uffizi

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