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This book is intended for professionals of the tourism industry. It lays out a strategy for effectively managing digital channels and social media in order to boost business and customer fidelity.

Thanks to a theoretical and practical approach to the digital world and social media marketing, Carminati lays out a three-phase approach consisting of scenario, tools and strategy.

By studying how travellers behave, we can identify the most effective channels to communicate our business and establish our goals, our investments and how we are going to involve professionals such as digital strategists, influencers and bloggers.

The book comes with plenty of checklists, exercises, examples, contributions from experts, experiences from industry professionals and tips on how to stay strong in the controversial world of digital marketing.

Sara Caminati is the founder of Webinchiaro. She is a digital marketing teacher and consultant. She works with professionals and companies to help them design and implement digital communication strategies.