12 August 2020

Diversamente amabile

by Domeniconi Chiara, Domeniconi Chiara
Diversamente amabile

In a summer of freedom, Alice unexpectedly meets Luca, a boy in a wheelchair who steals her heart at first glance. This is how the story of Diversamente amabile begins, with an encounter apparently similar to many others: but the love that will be born is far from trivial. Chiara Domeniconi delves into the reasons for an intense and tormented relationship, from the point of view of a woman – fragile yet strong, sick but desperately attached to life – struggling with a unique love story, but universal in representing doubts, the difficult balance between the needs of two people, the quarrels and the little, perfect moments of happiness.

  • Publishing house Argentodorato Editore
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 147
  • ISBN 9788894448245
  • Price 13.00 €

Domeniconi Chiara, Domeniconi Chiara

Chiara Domeniconi was born in 1972, in Sassuolo, in the province of Modena, where she is still a resident. She has a real estate company of which she is sole director. In 2016 she attended the Holden School directed by Baricco. She started writing seriously in early 2018, participating in poetry competitions. In addition to several collections of poems, she published the novel Dream of a middle-aged night (Albatros).

Diversamente amabile

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