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Rebecca lives in the elegant Hotel Belfiore, but her life is not really a fairy tale. Her father ignores her, the war between their hotel and the Rocca Blu has lasted so long that everyone has forgotten how it started. Rebecca would like to end that war and so she takes refuge to plot in the Thriller room, which her mother filled with books and news about investigations that helped her become a cunning police officer. With her, there is always her cat Mystery, who appeared out of nowhere after the death of her mother, as if she had sent it to him. But everything falls apart when in the war between hotels there is a murder. The body of the Rocca Blu gatekeeper is found on the road between the two hotels, strangled. Under the body, they found only a wallet belonging to Rebecca’s father, who becomes the only suspect. Rebecca decides to start a real investigation to save him, and she will have to use all her intelligence and also her mother’s old post it with notes on her investigation which Rebecca accidentally found in the most unthinkable place: a cookie jar.

  • A story inspired by the great detective stories, but as a detective a girl who loves intrigues and disguises, as a method of investigation she uses post-it notes with advice left by her mother.

For work she writes articles in English for a company that sells vintage racing bikes. For passion… she still writes. The first encouragement to get serious came in 2013, when she arrived among the finalists for the Il Battello a Vapore Award. Then, in 2018 she started publishing. With the pseudonym Erika Torre, she published the illustrated book Diego e gli occhiali, and in 2020 Pirati all’avventura, both for the Tandem series.