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Francesco, il papa della riforma

“One more book about the pope?” This may be the question the reader asks when seeing and picking up this volume.

But Bergoglio is a surprising pope who ignites many curiosities, and his actions allow one to come to understand him by following the many themes that bear the character of novelty: mercy, clericalism, curia reform, economics, integral ecology, and so on.

The challenge that the author wants to take up is to present the change, which Pope Francis is bringing about, through a documented narrative that allows one to grasp the organic nature of the reforming design, the connections with Tradition, and the processes he puts in place to lead the Church into the Third Millennium.

Giornalista pubblicista, è caporedattore della rivista bimestrale “Missione Oggi” e del trimestrale “Shalom” della Comunità di accoglienza Betania (Parma). È stato per un decennio (1998-2007) coordinatore dello staff editoriale di Cittadella Editrice. Fondatore e animatore dell’Associazione Viandanti. Ha pubblicato il volume Famiglia. Due Sinodi e un’esortazione. Diario di una svolta (2016).