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How is the universe in which we live made? Is there something from which all things originate? Starting from questions like these, Philosophical Riddles encourages children from 8 to 10 years to reflect on different themes related to natural phenomena, human beings, language, and reasoning. The book proposes 15 problems inspired by the history of philosophy grouped into four main sections:

– Philosophy of nature
– Philosophy of humans
– Philosophy of language
– Changing perspectives

Children will have the chance to get involved in child-sized big challenges that will lead them to practice hypothetical-deductive thinking and enhance the key skills that are transferable to different school subjects. Completing the experience is the game section Building Utopia.

-The Island of Utopia: children can plan and create a map of their ideal island, collaborating and comparing ideas with their companions.

PhD in Philosophical Disciplines, he has designed and conducted many philosophy workshops with children. Among his projects, a journey of over 10,000 km throughout Italy to propose the mental experiment of utopia to children between 5 and 11 ( He collaborates with different schools from several Italian regions, various European countries and with a research group from the University of Brasilia.