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The two stays in Turin in the spring of 1888 and in the autumn and winter of 1888-89 were for Friedrich Nietzsche happy times of intense creativity. Turin seemed to him “magnificent and singularly beneficial”, not least for its cuisine, as evidenced by the letters written to friends and relatives. “The problem of nutrition” constitutes an important chapter of the autobiography that Nietzsche wrote in Turin and entitled Ecce homo. To walk in order to think and, in order to think well, to eat as one should: this is the formula of life that the philosopher managed to achieve in the Savoy city before an end that would be as enigmatic as his existence. Elisabetta Chicco Vitzizzai portrays the singular, multifaceted and contradictory personality of the philosopher in the book Gli ossibuchi di Nietzsche: in the representation of his relationship with Turin, we also discover many aspects of the city at the end of the nineteenth century, retracing its streets, along the Po, in the bookshops, and above all in the cafés and favorite trattorias, to taste ice cream and gastronomic specialties.

Elisabetta Chicco Vitzizzai has published, in addition to literary essays and school texts, several collections of short stories and six novels.