19 December 2021
From Stockholm: Raffaele La Capria translated into Swedish

Raffaele La Capria‘s book, Ferito a morte (The Mortal Wound), winner of the Strega Prize in 1961, will be published in Swedish translation under the title Dödligt sårad. The book will be published in the “Cartaditalias bokserie” (Cartaditalia books), published by the Italian Cultural Institute “Carlo Maurilio Lerici” in Stockholm. Created in 2010 by Paolo Grossi, the series includes titles by major contemporary Italian writers (Pier Paolo Pasolini, Antonio Tabucchi, Italo Calvino, Claudio Magris, Giuseppe Dessì, Eugenio De Signoribus, Primo Levi, Andrea Zanzotto, Elsa Morante etc.).
For more information: https://iicstoccolma.esteri.it