Italy Guest of Honour at the Taipei International Book Exhibition

After its recent participations in the Bucharest, Tunis, Warsaw and Frankfurt Fairs, Italy will for the first time be the guest of honour at the thirty-third Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE), which takes place from Tuesday 4 to Sunday 9 February at the Taipei World Trade Center. It has been made possible thanks to the support of Italian institutions – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with the Italian Economic, Commercial and Cultural Promotion Office in Taipei, the Ministry of Culture,ICE – Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalisation of Italian companies, the Centre for Books and Reading , which promotes the cultural programme – and the collaboration of the AIE – Italian Publishers’ Association, which makes use of the Ex Libris agency, our country’s participation in TIBE offers an important opportunity to showcase and make known a cross-section of our most contemporary culture. olta at the 33rd Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE), which takes place from Tuesday 4 to Sunday 9 February at the Taipei World Trade Center. Made possible thanks to the support of Italian institutions – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with the Italian Economic, Commercial and Cultural Promotion Office in Taipei, the Ministry of Culture,ICE – Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalisation of Italian companies, the Centre for Books and Reading , which promotes the cultural programme – and the collaboration of theA IE – Italian Publishers’ Association, which makes use of the Ex Libris agency, our country’s participation in TIBE offers an important opportunity to showcase and make known a cross-section of our most contemporary culture.
The guest authors in Taipei are Beatrice Alemagna, Mario Barenghi, Gianni Biondillo, Davide Calì, Eliana Liotta, Federica Manzon, Fabiano Massimi, Susanna Mattiangeli, Lorenzo Mattotti, Laura Imai Messina and Luca Peyron. Their meetings will be held in the Italian Pavilion – set up by ICE – Agency for the promotion abroad and internationalisation of Italian companies and enriched by the exhibition Matite giovani. Tra illustrazione e fumetto, promoted by Bologna Children’s Book Fair with the collaboration of AIE – Italian Publishers’ Association and the bibliographical exhibition by Ibby Italia – will be a number of representatives from the cultural, institutional, publishing and academic worlds of Italy and Taiwan: Mauretta Capuano, Beni Chu, Emily Chuang, Tzu-Chun Chang, Rex How, Peini Beatrice Hsieh, Stefano Misesti and Ann-Yue Ni.