The House of Translations in Rome turns ten!

Located in the heart of the capital, the Casa delle Traduzioni is a library and cultural centre serving translators, researchers and publishing professionals. Founded in 2011, it has a specialised bibliographic fund and a residence that aims to contribute to the dissemination of Italian literature abroad. 10 years of life, 250 and more residents from all over the world, more than 1000 cultural activities including workshops, seminars, presentations of new publications aimed at promoting the value of translation and the crucial role of the translator in the publishing industry.
To celebrate this anniversary Biblioteche di Roma is offering two days of initiatives.
Thursday 16 September
Biblioteca Vaccheria Nardi. Via Grotta di Gregna 37, 00155 Roma.
10.30 a.m.
Greetings by Vittorio Bo
11 am
Melania Mazzucco in alter parole.
Round table with the writer Melania Mazzucco and her translators Manon Smits (Netherlands), Monika Wozniak (Poland), Oana Bosca-Malin (Romania), Mimoza Hysa Çuliqi (Albania) and Taru Nystrom (Finland).
Saturday 18th September
Casa delle Letterature. Piazza dell’Orologio 3, 00186 Roma.
9.15 a.m.
Greetings by Simona Cives
9.30 a.m.
Perché ci vuole orecchio. Bisogna averlo tutto, tanto, anzi parecchio. L’attenzione alla polifonia in testi russi classici e moderni.
With Claudia Zonghetti. Introduced by Valeria Cervetti and Leonardo Marcello Pignataro.
Giusto. Sbagliato. Dipende. L’italiano di oggi tra varietà, regole e libertà.
With Mariarosa Bricchi. Introduced by Toni Biocca and Ilaria Piperno.
11 am
Il sex-appeal delle parole. Riflessioni sul tradurre
With Giorgio Amitrano. Introduced by Bruno Berni and Toni Biocca.
Traduzione, tradizione
With Nadia Fusini. Introduced by Leonardo Marcello Pignataro and Stella Sacchini.
7 pm
Greetings by Vittorio Bo, Paolo Grossi (newitalianbooks) and Ilaria Piperno.
Geometria dell’incontro. Spigoli, inciampi, quadrature nella traduzione.
Round table with Giorgio Amitrano, Mariarosa Bricchi, Nadia Fusini and Claudia Zonghetti.
Moderator: Marco Filoni.
To take part in the scheduled activities, booking is required at specifying the meeting you wish to attend.
For access, the green pass must be presented together with an identity document.