9 March 2024

Holmes e Watson. L’enciclopedia

by Guerra Stefano , Solito Enrico
Holmes e Watson. L’enciclopedia

A volume for orienting oneself in the boundless world of Sherlock Holmes is necessary not only for the neophyte, who finds himself projected into the culture and society of one hundred and thirty years ago, but also for the scholar and expert to whom references, allusions, and cross-references to so many aspects of the society and literature of the time may be necessary. The light tone of the writing, which aids the reading of the text, does not deceive, for the immense bibliography proves the depth of the work. A basic text for those who want to dive into the magical world of Sherlock Holmes

  • Publishing house Rogas
  • Year of publication 2020
  • Number of pages 548
  • ISBN 9788899700461
  • Foreign Rights Simone Luciani -
  • Price 24.70

Guerra Stefano , Solito Enrico

Stefano Guerra, a physician, child neuropsychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He is one of the founders of the One Study in Holmes Association, of which he was president and is currently secretary and editor of the ‘Strand Magazine.’ He is a member of the Baker Street Irregulars of New York.

Enrico Solito, a pediatrician and neuropsychiatrist, is a lifelong member of A Study in Holmes, of which he was president and the first editor of the association’s Strand Magazine.

Holmes e Watson. L’enciclopedia

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