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The Universe described like a living being, through analogies between human life and the evolution of the cosmic structures.

The metaphor of life is the common thread that runs throughout the book. The evolution of the cosmos, beginning with the larger magnitudes and then shifting down to galaxies, stars and planetary systems, is explained through numerous parallels with the phases of life and with examples taken from our daily lives.

The journey reaches its pinnacle with humankind, showing how the atoms we are made of come from the stars and how our way of life can have a significant impact on our planet.

Laura Paganini holds a degree in Astrophysics and a Master in Scientific Journalism from the University of Ferrara. She teaches mathematics and physics and has been a writer and speaker for the radio broadcast Cosmobrain.

Filippo Bonaventura graduated in Astrophysics and obtained a Master in Science Communication at SISSA in Trieste. He manages the Facebook page of popular astronomy Chi ha paura del buio?