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Are we sure that problems such as allergies, enlarged adenoids, crooked teeth, frequent colds, asthma, are characteristic of all children? Epidemiological studies show that these problems are clearly increasing in Western countries and that the state of pediatric health has changed over time, moving from acute infectious diseases to chronic ones, characterized by altered responses of the immune system; common denominator of this phenomenon seems to be the alteration of the automatisms of breathing and swallowing in young children, induced by a poor lifestyle and artificial rhythms.Breathing is a vital function and its proper seat is the nose, but when breathing becomes short, in a natural way the mouth opens and responds to the emergency situation. Breathing through the mouth is a sign of deep discomfort in the child, which involves the psychic, neurological, endocrine, digestive and immune spheres. The book Il giusto respiro (The right breath) by the dentist Andrea Di Chiara wants to take stock of the situation, giving some practical suggestions to families for the home treatment of the adenoid-allergic child and, more generally, for a natural and balanced growth.

Andrea Di Chiara is a dentist, acupuncturist, perfected in occlusion and posture in kinesiological key and expert in strategies for the respiratory re-education of adenoid/allergic/respiratory oral children.