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Artificial intelligence and deep learning, drones and robots, blockchain and smart contract, cybersecurity: a reality increasingly generated, powered, protected – attacked? – by the machines is appearing all around us. Technological frontiers potentially pregnant with opportunities for the construction of a more transparent, fair and secure world, but not without vulnerability. It is an automated universe that is pressing and deserves to be analyzed in itself, without preconceptions, with openness, awareness and depth. This scenario is the starting point for a philosophical exploration of the automatic dimension as such. Automation is redesigning our ideas and conceptual categories, professional activities and human relations, cognitive and disciplinary practices, ethics and politics. Philosophically, a horizon that is not only technological or infrastructural, but more ontologically foundational: automation, therefore, not only as an engineering drive to build machines and automata, but as a more general perspective of production of our reality and its meaning.

Cosimo Accoto, a philosopher, is a research affiliate at MIT in Boston. His speculative research focuses on code philosophy, data science, artificial intelligence, platform logic and blockchain technology. He writes in Economia & Management, Harvard Business Review Italia and Nòva24-Il Sole24Ore.