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From the great Gek Tessaro comes a new book dedicated to the MUSEUM.A great illustrated book to discover a museum that goes beyond physical space and becomes the set of what each of us feels we want to personally collect, keep and share with others. A journey through poetic paintings made of words, characters, emotions, places, objects and passions that tell \’The Imaginary Museum\’ as an expression of something precious for themselves but open to the free interpretation of everyone.

A new idea of ​​museum that opens to personal and infinite possibilities, those that every reader can invent in the final pages dedicated to the activities.

Master of art, author and illustrator of children\’s books and winner of awards including the Andersen Prize 2010 for Best Complete Author and National Born to Read Prize 2011. With Carthusia in 2012 he won the Andersen Prize for Best Picture Book with the book The heart of Quixote.