29 May 2024

Il piano geniale di Oliver lo scheletro.

by Campello Giuditta
Il piano geniale di Oliver lo scheletro.

The Skeleton and his ghost friend live with a female rat. Benjamin lives with the countess, her husband, fifty-three chihuahuas, and a pink caiman. The countess can’t tol- erate the children, so she hires a babysitter who happens to be the Skeleton in disguise. Chaos and laughter guaranteed.

  • Publishing house Emme Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 96
  • ISBN 9788829603787
  • Foreign Rights Gaia Stock
  • Foreign Rights sold Russian
  • Price 9.90

Campello Giuditta

Giuditta Campello was born in 1987 and lives in the province of Varese. She graduated in Literature from the State University of Milan and has furthered her studies on ancient books. Besides writing, she works as an educator and organizes reading and storytelling workshops. She has published many titles in our catalogue.

Il piano geniale di Oliver lo scheletro.

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