10 June 2020

Il posto giusto

by Masini Beatrice, Mulazzani Simona
Il posto giusto

After the long winter, Squirrel sets off in search of a place he still doesn\’t know but needs. He knows that the right place exists but he doesn\’t know what it is.Along the way he asks Picchio, Tartaruga, Cincia, Talpa and Civetta which is the right place. And thanks to them he will choose \’a big tree with deep roots and wide and long branches\’ that welcome everyone\’s needs and where nobody ever feels alone…

A book that talks about the value of being together and not feeling alone in every moment of life.

  • Publishing house Carthusia
  • Year of publication 2014
  • Number of pages 30
  • ISBN 9788895443928
  • Foreign Rights
  • Price 20.90 €

Masini Beatrice, Mulazzani Simona

Beatrice Masini, author, lives and works in Milan. Journalist, translator of novels, she has published forty-five books for children and teenagers, including illustrated albums, collections of stories and novels, many published in other languages.

Simona Mulazzani, illustrator, lives and works in Pesaro. She collaborates with important Italian children\’s publishers and with American, Japanese and French publishers.

Il posto giusto

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