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Il romanzo delle mie delusioni. Racconto piuttosto lungo

As Benvenuto, a cheeky middle-class boy, has managed to fail his elementary school exams three times his exasperated parents hire a private tutor who, however, rather than conforming to a standard curriculum, spends his time narrating marvelous fairy tales to the enchanted pupil. The boy discovers a pair of magical shoes owned by his intriguing tutor, and uses them to escape the tedium and oppressive demands of home. The real adventure thus starts as away from home he encounters a sequence of figures from the fairy tale tradition: Aladdin (who still has the magic lamp, but has scrubbed it so much it is no useless), Sleeping Beauty (who after her near hibernation is now condemned to suffer from insomnia), Bluebeard (who, after killing all his wives, founded a marriage agency), Cinderella and many others.


Sergio Tofano (1886–1973) was an Italian actor, director, playwright, scene designer and illustrator. In 1917 he invented, for a children’s magazine, il Corriere dei Piccoli, a famous character, Signor Bonaventura, whose adventures have lasted for more than forty years. He used to sign as Sto.