Il tesoro dei bambini sensibili
by Lupo Elena, Lupo Elena, Lupo ElenaHighly sensitive people are the 20% of the population that live ‘differently’ what surrounds them, in a deeper, emotional, empathic way. Studies on this character trait are quite recent and clarify interpersonal dynamics often experienced badly or with embarrassment. The book Il tesoro dei bambini sensibili (The treasure of sensitive children) by the psychologist and psychotherapist Elena Lupo is aimed primarily at parents and operators. It has a theoretical and practical slant, in order to recognize hypersensitivity in children and enhance it in the best way.
- Publishing house Il Leone Verde
- Year of publication 2017
- Number of pages 170
- ISBN 9788865801659
- Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
- Ebook Disponibile
- Price 16.00 €
Lupo Elena, Lupo Elena, Lupo Elena
Elena Lupo is a psychologist and psychotherapist with a Biosystemic orientation. A Highly Sensitive Person, in 2014 she founded a project to disseminate on national territory the knowledge related to the studies of Dr. Elaine Aron, with the aim of helping Highly Sensitive Persons (PAS) to understand and accept themselves.