Io dico no! Storie di eroica disobbedienza
by Aristarco Daniele
Thirty-five outstanding stories of people whose NO made history in the ongoing fight for freedom. Stories of heroic civic disobedience. From Spartacus to the suffragettes, from Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King, from Anna Politkovskaja to Malala Yousafzi: the vicissitudes of men and women who said NO to injustice.
- Publishing house Einaudi Ragazzi
- Year of publication 2017
- Number of pages 205
- ISBN 9788866563921
- Foreign Rights Gaia Stock
- Foreign Rights sold Korean, serbian, castilian (latin america)
- Price 16.90
Aristarco Daniele
Daniele Aristarco was born in Naples in 1977. He is the author of short stories and popular essays for children, published both in Italy and France. He has taught literature in secondary school and now devotes himself to children’s books and writing for film and radio. A playwright and theatre director, he has won numerous awards. He also runs creative writing workshops for children at schools, libraries and cultural associations.