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Italiano plus is a two-volume Italian language course for university students studying in Italy or abroad. It was conceived following the research on the study of the Italian language for studying purposes conducted by the Laboratorio di Glottodidattica of the University of Parma. It ranges from language levels A1 to B2.

The two volumes of Italiano plus provide learning itineraries aimed at developing typical everyday communication first, and then, in the second volume in particular, academic communication skills in the target language.The first volume focuses on everyday communication language skills and gradually introduces language for study purposes.The written and oral texts provided in the units deal with topics that are connected to university students’ everyday life contexts and interests. With the first Italiano plus volume students with an elementary level quickly acquire basic language skills, and a good knowledge of the main morphosyntactic and lexical aspects of Italian in particular. They also learn study strategies and skills for handling the learning itineraries in the second volume, which focuses on the comprehension and re-elaboration of academic texts, and promotes strategic learning.The second volume of the course enables students to develop the language and communication skills, and the study strategies and skills that are necessary to tackle academic tasks effectively.The suggested learning itineraries, centred on the comprehension and re-elaboration of texts drawn from the fields of humanities as well as from technical and scientific fields, deal with topics which are linked to the students’ personal experience and stir classroom discussion.The syllabi of this volume, conceived bearing in mind the main features of academic communication, aim to develop the language for study purposes from an advanced/intermediate elementary level, by means of a text-strategic approach, developing vocabulary and text skills as well as specialised communication skills in a gradual way.

Marco Mezzadri is Professor of Teaching Languages at Università di Parma.