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Itinerario arabo-normanno. Il patrimonio dell’UNESCO a Palermo, Monreale e Cefalù

Recently named Italian Capital of Culture 2018, and with its Arab-Norman monuments included in the UNESCO Heritage List alongside those of Monreale and Cefalù, Palermo proudly faces Europe and the world as a city of art and history.This heritage derives from the past centuries when populations arrived in Sicily bringing with them their civilization and values, and were integrated in a land that welcomed them, and exalted their culture and the beauty of their buildings.This book will allow readers to discover the monuments included in the UNESCO Itinerary and also other buildings that, thanks to their blend of different artistic cultures, are also important examples of the Arab-Norman period.



Maria Antonietta Spadaro was born in Palermo. Architect and art historian, former Professor of History of Classical Art and Contemporary Art at the postgraduate school of Lumsa in Palermo, she is a member of the National Board of Anisa (National Association of Art History Teachers). Expert in museum education and cultural heritage, she has been a consultant to the Municipality of Palermo for the educational project ‘Panormus. The school adopts the city’.