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In the first volume of the series, The Geeks’ Gang, along with the help of a hacker, will search for the thief who stole their Professor’s digital identity.   The reader will also help them on this mission, by carrying out the many activities proposed.

Digital Identity Theft contains 42 playing cards, for challenges and having fun!

The volumes in The Geeks’ Gang series provide the reader with:

  • funny story with The Geeks’ Gang characters, who take on some missions related to the dangers of the Web, like real detectives;
  • numerous games and puzzles to solve (crossword puzzles, rebus, find the differences, decode the hidden message etc.) to help the gang with their investigation;
  • an answer page with the solutions to the various activities;
  • glossary with the terms related to the World Wide Web and Social Networks used in each volume;
  • decks of card to play THE GEEKS’ GANG game

The basic deck of cards is provided in the first volume of the book, while the second and third volumes come with extension packs to increase the number of challenges and game opportunities.

Anna Fogarolo is a consultant for Press Office activities, Content & Community Manager, Web Relations and Digital PR specialist. In the past she worked as a photojournalist for major Italian newspapers and wrote for several well-known portals and networks.