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There is a great turmoil in town: the Pesky Gang has struck again! They are a gang of thieves, brave like pirates, agile like macaques, light and silent like ballet dancers.They have stolen everything. They have robbed all the banks, the supermarkets, the bakers, the butchers, the hardware stores, the hairdressers. They even steal each other the last biscuit at breakfast, the slippers for afterthe shower, the last piece of toilet paper. Until, one day, there is nothing left to steal! The Pesky Gang barricade themselves inside their gigantic warehouse full of stolen items. Then, one day, they hear a noise. Thieves?! No, it’s the people from town, asking if the Gang could lend them some stuff… And, well, the Pesky Gang are thieves, but they are gentlemen thieves!

Ilaria Guarducci, born in 1984, lives in Prato. She studied at Accademia Nemo, in Florence. She illustrated her first book, A Ride with Aliens, for Camelozampa in 2012. After that, she published with Fatatrac (Giunti Group) and several other Italian and foreign publishers. For Camelozampa she also wrote and illustrated Mr Moustache’s Amazing MachinesThorny and Whatabore! Her books are translated in eight languages.