La Bibbia dei bambini
by Vecchini Silvia
With simple and understandable language, faithful to the biblical text while trying to convey the tone and rhythm of the biblical narrative, the authors tell children the great story of the Bible, from the day God created the world to the beautiful story of Jesus. They first told it to their own children; then they decided to share it with all the children who want to know it. Each page features colorful images that help children get to know and embrace the characters, symbols, and great stories, rich with lessons and authentic beauty. Ideal for a child’s first approach to the biblical text.
- Publishing house Il Pozzo di Giacobbe
- Year of publication 2010
- Number of pages 320
- ISBN 9788861241800
- Foreign Rights Crispino Di Girolamo,
- Price 12.90
Vecchini Silvia
Silvia Vecchini, born in 1975 in Perugia, holds a degree in Literature and studies at the Theological Institute of Assisi. She writes children’s books, school texts, and designs educational materials. Together with her husband, Antonio Vincenti, she created Il Gruppo Sicomoro to engage in publishing activities for children and young people as authors and illustrators, both in the fields of catechesis and Catholic religious education, as well as narrative literature.