6 July 2020

La cascina nella nebbia. La pensione di Gianni e Anella 4

La cascina nella nebbia. La pensione di Gianni e Anella 4

Elisa, the protagonist of this story, is a girl who lives near Ferrara, busy facing a difficult period, full of worries and responsibilities perhaps too heavy for her young age. However, her frenetic tran-tran will be suddenly upset by the meeting with an elderly woman: a mysterious encounter from which a sincere and deep friendship will be born, destined to radically upset Elisa\’s life. In the serene setting of Gianni and Anella\’s guesthouse, the story of La cascina nella nebbia draws a fine line between possible and impossible in the intertwining of everyday life and the small extraordinary experiences common to each of us.

  • Publishing house Argentodorato Editore
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 74
  • ISBN 9788894448221
  • Price € 12,00

Barbara Gherman was born in 1957 in Ferrara. In 2001 she published Man, nature… and stars, which earned her literary awards of national caliber. Then she began working on the serie La Pensione di Gianni e Anella, stories of daily life, love relationships, family problems always spiced up with something mysterious and inexplicable. From this serie came out, self-published, Marzia. Una storia non proprio comune (2018), Dipingendo Maria (2018) and La libertà del mare (2018).

La cascina nella nebbia. La pensione di Gianni e Anella 4

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