1 August 2021

La dislessia

by Benso Eva, Benso Eva, Benso Eva
La dislessia

Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder, in particular of reading, still experienced as a serious cognitive and social handicap. Hence, the imperative need to publish a book that explains how to quickly recognize the symptoms, what tools to adopt to deal with it (both in clinical and school) and what is the correct interpretation to give to a condition too often underestimated. Dyslexia aims to frame the topic in a popular way, according to the neuropsychological point of view, so that it can be a useful tool for teachers, parents and anyone who wants to deepen the subject, through numerous charts, explanatory diagrams and a final glossary. Labels and clichés are abolished, providing the reader with a structured perspective on the problem and illustrating the functioning of reading in its underlying aspects: visual-perceptual, linguistic and attentional. In the theoretical part of the text, the author Eva Benso also deals with the diagnostic moment and that of habilitative treatments, the causes of the disorder and the main commonplaces and myths to be debunked, because there is no such thing as a dyslexic equal to another. Finally, the section reserved for recreational exercises and games allows to train the dyslexic child having fun and getting him interested in reading, facilitated with the use of illustrations, fairy tales or manual activities, all steps of a precise propaedeutic path of cognitive reinforcement. The key word of the proposed method is ‘training’, a real gym for the mind.

  • Publishing house Il Leone Verde
  • Year of publication 2011
  • Number of pages 160
  • ISBN 9788895177526
  • Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
  • Foreign Rights sold greek rights sold
  • Ebook Disponibile
  • Price 18.00 €

Benso Eva, Benso Eva, Benso Eva

Eva Benso is a Psychologist, 3rd level Attentional Trainer of the Benso Method and SMAART Applicator of the Feuerstein Method. She has two master degrees in Fine Arts and has experience as a creative graphic designer.

La dislessia

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