21 June 2023

La filosofia va in bicicletta. Socrate, Pantani e altre fughe

by Bernardi Walter
La filosofia va in bicicletta. Socrate, Pantani e altre fughe

What do Socrates, the Athenian philosopher who taught through dialogue how to ‘draw out’ ideas, and Marco Pantani, the Pirate, who went faster than the others uphill to shorten their agony, have in common, apart from their tragic end? And what makes Gino Bartali’s labours similar to medieval asceticism and Fausto Coppi’s so close to Cartesian mechanism? Look at the photo of Albert Einstein happily pirouetting on a bicycle and think of his famous phrase: ‘Life is like riding a bicycle: if you want to balance, you have to move’, which is a bit of a ‘pedal-to-the-metal’ summary of his Theory of Relativity. Or read Philosophy rides a bicycle. The author Walter Bernardi will explain it to you, between a chat on philosophy and a ride in the hills between Prato and Pistoia. A university lecturer and former dean of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Siena, Professor Bernardi could no longer resist the burning passion that had been smouldering in him since his youth: and at the age of forty he bought himself a racing bicycle and started pedalling. Since then he has practised his very personal cyclo-philosophy every day, demonstrating in practice how close the philosophical exercise is to cycling. With the lightness of a climber, he tells us about it in these pages, escaping with Thales of Miletus and Alfredo Binda, challenging Immanuel Kant and Eddy Merckx in the time trial and Fiorenzo Magni and Friedrich Nietszche in the sprint…



  • Publishing house Ediciclo
  • Year of publication 2013
  • Number of pages 169
  • ISBN 9788865490877
  • Price 14.50 €

Bernardi Walter

Walter Bernardi, born in 1948 in Pievepelago (Modena), lives in Prato. He has taught philosophy at the universities of Florence, Venice, Lecce and Siena. Since 2012, he has represented the University of Siena in the Governing Council of the Coni Toscana School of Sport. He is a member of the Gino Bartali Foundation, whose cultural activities he oversees

La filosofia va in bicicletta. Socrate, Pantani e altre fughe

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