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With a series of interviews to experts, environmentalists, managers and businesspeople, the book takes us on an enthralling journey to the origins of plastic, explains why it has become such a problem for the environment and illustrates some possible solutions, such as bioplastics, recycled plastic and chemical recycling.

It can take on any shape, it’s indestructible and it’s cheap. And it’s everywhere. We’re talking about plastic – a wonderful material that has driven the surge of our consumer society and has become our foe.

The rivers and seas are rife with plastic. And now we know that even our tap water is ridden with microplastics from clothes, creams and toothpaste.

For this reason, governments and international organisations such as the UN have declared war on plastic.

The book features eye-opening interviews from industry specialists such as Novamont, A2A, Bio-on and Corepla.

Guido Fontanelli is a financial journalist. He has worked for “Il Sole 24 Ore”, “Fortune Italia”, “Il Giornale” and “Panorama”. He has carried out major inquiries into economic and social issues. He currently writes for “Panorama”, “Il Foglio”, “Capital” and “The GoodLife”.