La Legge del desiderio. Radici bibliche della psicoanalisi
by Recalcati, Massimo
The central theme of this book concerns the word of Jesus, originally reread by Massimo Recalcati as one of the unexpected roots of the psychoanalysis of the ‘Jewish’ Freud and the ‘Catholic’ Lacan. It is not a question of submitting life to the Law, but of seeing in the Law – that of love and grace – a force at the service of life. The Law no longer instils fear of severe punishment, no longer demands the scrupulous zeal of formal respect, but frees itself of the death it brings with it to become a Law that does not annul desire, but, on the contrary, sustains it. This is the essential legacy assumed by psychoanalysis: the Law is not the enemy of desire, but its most radical foundation. References to parables, miracles, healings, Peter and Judas, the night of Gethsemane, the resurrection and the thought of Paul of Tarsus are revisited in a surprising way. Here Recalcati challenges commonplaces and stereotypes of the psychoanalytic reading of Christianity by showing with great audacity how the testimony of Jesus is above all a testimony to the indestructible life of desire.
- Publishing house Einaudi
- Year of publication 2024
- Number of pages 496
- ISBN 9788806254766
- Foreign Rights
- Ebook disponibile
- Price 22.00
Recalcati, Massimo
Massimo Recalcati, one of Italy’s best-known psychoanalysts, directs the IRPA (Research Institute of Applied Psychoanalysis) and in 2003 founded Jonas Onlus (Psychoanalytic Clinic Centre for New Symptoms). He collaborates with the newspapers la Repubblica and La Stampa and teaches at the University of Verona and IULM in Milan. His latest titles include Il gesto di Caino (2020 and 2021), Ritorno a Jean-Paul Sartre. Esistenza, infanzia e desiderio (2021), Il grido di Giobbe (2021 and 2022).