20 May 2020

La legge del perdente. La matematica come vaccino contro l’azzardopatia

by Benuzzi Federico
La legge del perdente. La matematica come vaccino contro l’azzardopatia

From Lottery to poker, the gambling is a serious issue, even a pathological illness. And the problemis getting always more severe in our society. How can you heal from this compulsive gambling?Maybe with some mathematical knowledges. Federico Benuzzi will guide us in a very amusing tourin the world of probabilities, with the help of some funny characters (a young barman, an old man,and a quite interesting teacher). Their story is never boring, even when it deals with the odds ofthe various games of chance, and it is so simple that even the younger readers can follow themathematical parts of the tale.

  • Publishing house edizioni Dedalo
  • Year of publication 2018
  • Number of pages 152
  • ISBN 9788822068750
  • Foreign Rights Claudia Coga
  • Price 18.00 €

Benuzzi Federico

Federico Benuzzi holds a degree in Theoretical Physics and teaches Physics and Mathematics at a highschool in Bologna, his home town. He is also a juggler and an actor and he uses his abilities in performancesto popularize science.

La legge del perdente. La matematica come vaccino contro l’azzardopatia

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