16 November 2020

La Musicha perduta

by Bellucci Tiziano, Bellucci Tiziano
La Musicha perduta

The protagonist of this magical story, Artus, son of the immortal demigod Vooran and the human Selenia, will spend his entire life in demonstrating the value of music, not only in a theoretical sense, but also in a practical sense. His research, in fact, will materialize in the encounter with a real being: Musicha, a spiritual entity that rests enchanted in every living thing, the one through whom the world was created. Between perplexity, doubts and difficulties, the search for the divine ‘Musicha perduta’ will lead our protagonist to face a journey through time and space fraught with dangers, which will see the intrusions of the ancient spiritual world on the one hand, and of the future world. spiritual on the other.

  • Publishing house Argentodorato Editore
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 253
  • ISBN 9788894448207
  • Price 15.00 €

Bellucci Tiziano, Bellucci Tiziano

Tiziano Bellucci was born in Castelfranco Emilia on 21 May 1962. Music teacher in Bologna, he has been a researcher and spiritual scientist since 1990, a music composer, writer and lecturer. He is part of the Universal Anthroposophical Society at the Goethenaum in Dornach. He is professor of general anthroposophy at the Stella Maris school of art-therapy, Bologna. For Argentodorato he has already published Erosophia (2016).

La Musicha perduta

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