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«I must run the risk of letting my story out, a story I’ve kept in for all these years, even though it breaks my heart, even though you might judge me». Because a son has the right to know which course led his father to choose armed struggle, fight dictatorship and die for freedom. One must start from the remote past, from the previous generations: from White Russia at the end of the nineteenth century to Italy under Fascism; from the Racial Laws to the flight to Chile; from the political commitment in favour of Salvator Allende to the tragedy of Pinochet’s dictatorship. Up to the tragic ending. Avoiding any sentimentalism and rethoric, Laura Forti delves into emotions and history. A highly intense monologue: a son is told the story of a father he’s never met, and from this story the reader derives the awareness that only the elaboration of the past can give the courage to transform tragedy into strength, and grief into hope.

The works by the Italian playwright Laura Forti are widely staged abroad. Her texts have been translated and put on in many countries and published in Germany and France. She also teaches theatre and creative writing. As a journalist she collaborates with radio programmes and some national and international magazines. She translated The Cannibals and Mein Kampf by George Tabori into Italian (Einaudi publishing).