1 August 2021

L’allattamento spiegato ai papà

by Volta Alessandro, Capuano Ciro, Volta Alessandro, Capuano Ciro, Volta Alessandro, Capuano Ciro
L’allattamento spiegato ai papà

In recent times, many mothers have reclaimed breastfeeding after decades of oblivion. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to persuade one of the most important players in order to establish and continue breastfeeding: the father. L’allattamento spiegato ai papà (Breastfeeding Explained to Dads) is an easy to read and enjoyable booklet in which pediatricians Alessandro Volta and Ciro Capuano tell an imaginary father all the things that every father needs to know in order to provide essential help and support to the mother-child couple. The preface is signed by the famous Dr. Sergio Conti Nibali, director of the magazine UPPA (Un Pediatra Per Amico).

  • Publishing house Il Leone Verde
  • Year of publication 2018
  • Number of pages 140
  • ISBN 9788865801956
  • Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
  • Ebook Disponibile
  • Price 13.00 €

Volta Alessandro, Capuano Ciro, Volta Alessandro, Capuano Ciro, Volta Alessandro, Capuano Ciro

Alessandro Volta, pediatrician and neonatologist, is father of three boys and a foster child.
Ciro Capuano, born in Naples in 1967, works as a pediatrician at the U.O. of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hospital of Montecchio Emilia and is a trainer for health personnel on breastfeeding according to WHO/Unicef guidelines.

L’allattamento spiegato ai papà

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