L’Armenia perduta
by Ferrari Aldo, Ferrari AldoThis book is an historical, cultural, and “political” journey throughsome of the most important and evocative sites of ancientArmenian culture found outside of the Republic of Armenia.Mountains, lakes, monasteries, fortresses, and entire cities, whereonly memory, occasionally corroborated by the precarious survivalof monuments and ruins, attests to an Armenia that justa century ago was teeming with life, but which was violentlyeradicated in a few years, between the genocide of 1915 and theexpulsion of Armenians from Cilicia in 1923.These places of remembrance, which are located in present-dayTurkey, Iran, and Azerbaijan, are recounted to the reader beginningin the remote past. Some are of universal significance:Mount Ararat, symbol of Armenia, is also the site of humanity’srebirth. The chapters that make up Aldo Ferrari’s journey focuson the stark contrast between a rich and diverse cultural past anda present of silence, absence and denial.
- Publishing house Salerno
- Year of publication 2019
- Number of pages 180
- ISBN 9788869734120
- Foreign Rights Cetty Spadaro
- Ebook disponibile
- Price 16.00 €
Ferrari Aldo, Ferrari Aldo
Aldo M. Ferrari teaches Armenian Language and Literature,History of Russian Culture and History of the Caucasus andCentral Asia at the Ca ’Foscari University of Venezia. His publications include Armenia. A frontier Christianity (2016).