18 August 2020

L’astuccio di Camilla

by Savino Stefania, Savino Stefania
L’astuccio di Camilla

The story is set in a classroom of a primary school. The protagonists are the different colored pencils contained in the case of a girl named Camilla, very good at drawing. All colors except black were used to color a design. The teacher advises Camilla to outline all the work with the black color that will finally start to be improved. History underlines the importance of respect and enhancement of those who are different in the classroom context. This story can be used to teach children the importance of these values.

  • Publishing house SaMa Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2019
  • Number of pages 48
  • ISBN 9788894946031
  • Foreign Rights Serena D\'Alessandro -
  • Price 8.00 €

Savino Stefania, Savino Stefania

Stefania Savino, born in Naples in 1968, lives in Rome where she has been teaching with passion for over thirty years. Pedagogist with developmental psychology specialization, she is a writer of short stories for children, poems, university manuals and socio-pedagogical essays

L’astuccio di Camilla

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