18 August 2020

Avventura a Coccilandia

by Savino Stefania, Savino Stefania
Avventura a Coccilandia

A delicate story that describes the value and respect of certain rules that each child internalizes during the school path. Among the different topics treated are valued: friendship, collaboration, belonging to a group and curiosity. In the story, animal characters such as ladybugs, a wise owl, snails, rooster and insects move.

The protagonist, a ladybug named Allegra, a little rebellious but, at the same time, a great curious, would have liked to travel, discover nature and make new friends. She didn\’t like living at all on the same plant at all, chatting with the same ladybugs and feeding on the same insects. He absolutely wanted to go beyond the valley of Coccilandia, where no one had ever gone. The text is accompanied by colorful and captivating images.

  • Publishing house SaMa Edizioni
  • Year of publication 2018
  • Number of pages 64
  • ISBN 9788894946109
  • Foreign Rights Serena D\'Alessandro -
  • Price 10.00 €

Savino Stefania, Savino Stefania

Stefania Savino, born in Naples in 1968, lives in Rome where she has been teaching with passion for over thirty years. Pedagogist with developmental psychology specialization, she is a writer of short stories for children, poems, university manuals and socio-pedagogical essays

Avventura a Coccilandia

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