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In the space of three days – a Passion all his own – it happened, to the person who says ‘you’ in these texts, to feel a banal but unheard-of urge: to throw himself into the swirling catabasis of his memory, to try to set an order, any order. The picklock that suddenly threw everything off the rails is, to this day, difficult to intercept (it is not even known whether it was allegorical or concrete, metaphorical or factual): perhaps it was alcohol taken in excess; perhaps it was a psoriasis managed only with nails; perhaps it was a television set always on tuned to the channels of change; perhaps it was a whiff of a ball under the armpit; perhaps it was the knowledge of an irremediably empty bank account; perhaps it was something more generic, rarefied, dense and unknown. It was, perhaps, all of this together and who knows how much more.

Series “novecento/duemila” directed by Diego Bertelli and Raoul Bruni

Andrea Donaera was born in Salento in 1989. He lives in Gallipoli. He has published his novels for the publisher NNE, translated in France for the publisher Cambourakis. Among his poetry collections: Il latte versato (2012), Certe cose, certe volte (2013), Occhi rossi (2015), Una Madonna che mai appare (2019), I vivi. Un tremore (2022). His texts have appeared in Poesia, Nuovi Argomenti, Gradiva, minima&moralia, Nazione Indiana e Il primo amore.