16 June 2021

Le tecnologie digitali in famiglia

by Valle Mario, Valle Mario, Valle Mario
Le tecnologie digitali in famiglia

The world of our children is dominated by technology: tablets, smartphones and computers are now an integral part of their lives; the task of us parents is to “prepare them for the future” and educate them in the use of new technologies. But how? In his book, Mario Valle, a supercomputer expert, draws on the thinking of Maria Montessori (a great admirer of the technologies of her time and a profound connoisseur of the child’s mind) to try to outline this future: how does a child’s brain respond to the stimuli of a technological world and what can we do to allow appropriate use of these devices? It is not, therefore, a question of demonizing or idolizing technology, but of analyzing the present in order to prepare for the future.

  • Publishing house Il Leone Verde
  • Year of publication 2021
  • Number of pages 238
  • ISBN 9788865802786
  • Foreign Rights Anna Spadolini
  • Ebook Disponibile
  • Price 20.00 €

Valle Mario, Valle Mario, Valle Mario

Mario Valle has been working for over thirty years in the most diverse fields of science, and since 2003 he has been at the Swiss Center for Scientific Computing (CSCS) in Lugano, in close contact with scientists and researchers, using supercomputers and cutting-edge technologies on a daily basis.Through his son, who attended a Montessori school, he was introduced to this world and became passionate about the concrete scientific nature of Maria Montessori’s ideas.

Le tecnologie digitali in famiglia

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