1 December 2023

L’ombelico del sogno. Un viaggio onirico

by Lingiardi Vittorio
L’ombelico del sogno. Un viaggio onirico

Symbolic tales or synaptic improvisations, dreams are a mystery that speak about us. They’re unreal realities, private and very deep. “Every dream has… a navel that connects it to the unknown”, Freud wrote more than a centuryago. From this mysterious navel, which gives rise to the title of the book, Vittorio Lingiardi begins an onirical and poetic journey through divination, psychoanalysis and neuroscience.Because “the truth lies not in one dream alone but in many dreams”. We might not know what purpose they serve but we know they are useful; and it’s hard not to recount them. Maybe they are the stuff we are made of.

  • Publishing house Einaudi
  • Year of publication 2023
  • Number of pages 184
  • ISBN 9788806254513
  • Foreign Rights Valeria Zito -
  • Ebook
  • Awards Premio Musatti della Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (2018), Research Award della Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology dell\'American Psychological Association (2020), Sigourney Award (2023)
  • Price 12.00

Lingiardi Vittorio

Vittorio Lingiardi is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and a professor of Dynamic Psychology at La Sapienza University in Rome and Senior Research Fellow at the Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati Sapienza (SSAS). He writes for Venerdí, part of la Repubblica, and for the cultural pages for the Il Sole 24 Ore. Einaudi has published his Diagnosi e destino (2018) and Arcipelago N. Variazioni sul narcisismo (2021).

L’ombelico del sogno. Un viaggio onirico

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