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L’ultimo dono dell’Imperatore. L’eredita federale austro-ungarica: L’Officina del Belvedere ed Heinrich Coudenhove-Kalergi

This essay underlines the importance of the cultural heritage left by an almost unknown person on the European scene, namely Heinrich Coudenhove Kalergi, to his son Richard, today considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union. This legacy represents the link between the attempt to integrate different European cultures into the renewed Empire carried out by the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Francesco Ferdinando and the International Pan-European Union. The author thus opens a very profound reflection on a new vision of the history of the integration of the European peoples.

Davide Fini, Doctor of Political Sciences and International Relations (Univ. Roma Tre), acquires the title of Master in Geopolitics, Sustainable Development and Arctic studies at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organizations). Thanks to the comparison with other students from the rest of the world, she acquires awareness of the need for a united, multicultural Europe, capable of originating genius and innovation through the encounter of ideas from different cultures.