Massaggio psicocorporeo per la donna
by Pearson Richard, Bortolussi Sonia
This manual illustrates a massage technique that takes you through themost important stages in a woman’s life, helping rediscover a healingtouch. Massage is then re-interpreted as a moment of dialogue with yourbody in the phases of pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood, breastfeedingand menopause, along a path towards the awakening of feminine spirit.The manual also includes important contributions for child massage(0-6 yrs old) and integrates alternative disciplines like massage therapy,Ayurveda and flower therapy.
- Publishing house Edizioni Il Punto d'Incontro
- Year of publication 2005
- Number of pages 175
- ISBN 9788880934578
- Foreign Rights Cristina Levi (
- Ebook non disponibile
- Price 11.90 €
Pearson Richard, Bortolussi Sonia
RICHARD PEARSON is a massage physiotherapistand physiokinesitherapist.Pearson also specialised in Ayurvedictechniques in the region of Kerala, India.
SONIA BORTOLUSSI is a massage physiotherapist expert in psychophysical techniques for physical and emotional problems