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Moxibustione per tutti. Prendersi cura di sé con le iniezioni di fuoco

Moxibustion – Cultural Heritage of Humanity – consists in the application of heat concentrated in specific points of the body called «meridians». It is a fascinating oriental therapy: the use of the heat from a moxa cigar, together with the properties of artemisia vulgaris, helps to make it flow better and helps balance the energy in the body. The book includes drawings, photos and lists the most common pathologies and points to be treated with moxibustion for immediate wellbeing

Rossana Tursi was born and lives in Bari. She is an Aikido 2nd Dan black belt, Naturopath and Healer, Certified Ohashiatsu Instructor, teaches all five levels of the Ohashiatsu program and has been a Senior Teacher since 2004.