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What happens at Christmas in the land of ogres, where every year the ugliest house wins a prize? Some flood theirs with water, some pull up all the flowers, but the more Ogre Nostril tries to make his own ugly, the prettier it gets.Who will win the longed-for prize this year?


• A fun “backwards” Christmas story.


• Sometimes being different isn’t so bad! A funny story about believing in yourself.

Angelo Mozzillo was born in Naples in 1988 before moving to Milan to attend film school. He stayed there, but instead of working on film sets he focused on writing. He likes discovering new stories and making up his own, mixing and reinventing words like shuffling a pack of cards. His latest works include the picture book Io sono foglia (I am a Leaf), Bacchilega Junior, 2020, illustrated by Marianna Balducci and winner of the 2021 Andersen and SuperAndersen prizes.