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Giovanni, no longer first-rate, involves a friend in participating in vigils and funerals in order to plan the perfect funeral for himself. The two soon realize that they are not the only ones posted to these ceremonies. In this way, new bizarre characters are added to the story who in a crescendo of jokes, misunderstandings and grotesque situations, compete for laughter, until the epilogue that will really take you off guard. An apparently light book but which reveals a bitter reproach against those who let a vacant life flow on them, dedicated to pleasures with a meager meaning, without ever engaging in the attempt to ennoble, even for a moment, their spirit.

Pietro Baroncelli, born in Ravenna, bolognese by adoption, currently resides in Comacchio. Long retired, he is fond of historiographical essays. In 2005 he published for the publisher Il Ponte Vecchio a collection of paradoxical stories entitled L’asino raglia e il treno deraglia and in 2009, for the same publisher, another series of short stories entitled Tre per otto ventisette. Nessuno escluso is his first novel.