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Non è un pranzo di gala. Indagine sulla letteratura working class

A specter is hunting the world of letters. It’s the specter of a literature that narrates the world of work from the inside, made of writers of proletarian extraction or belonging to the new precarious working-class. A literature that is able to have forms, languages, structures and purposes that can be different from the ones that are still perpetuated in the schools of creative writing. It’s the working-class literature. Alberto Prunetti tries to define its features and traces its evolution, showing the link between the stories that we choose to read and the material conditions of the industry that revolves around these stories. This book – that doesn’t care about composure and good manners, that is an essay but also a pamphlet, a memoir, a critical analysis – speaks to the aspiring working-class writer, to the publishing workers, to the readers of any social classIn these pages Prunetti reminds us that the books on our shelves are written, chosen and published by a very small piece of the world: it’s time to make room for everyone else.

Alberto Prunetti (1973) was born in Piombino, is author of the novels Amianto. Una storia operaia (Alegre), 108 metri and Nel girone dei bestemmiatori (both Laterza), translated in UK, France, Spain and Greece. Translator and editor, he has lived in England working as a cleaner, pizza chef and kitchen assistant. He is editor of the book series “Working Class” (Alegre) and is part of the editorial staff of Jacobin Italy.